
Posted by Ahmed.kaka , 17‏/07‏/2010 7/17/2010

President:Evo Morales
Total area:1,098,580 sq km
Population (2010est): 9,947,418
Capital and largest city:La Paz, 1,576,100
Other large cities:Santa Cruz,Cochabamba,El Alto,Oruro
Official religion:Roman Catholic
Monetary unit:Boliviano

Brazil forms its eastern border; its other neighbors are Peru and Chile on the west and Argentina and Paraguay on the south. The western part, enclosed by two chains of the Andes, is a great plateau—the Altiplano
Almost half the population lives on the plateau, which contains Oruro, Potosí, and La Paz
"republic" the new constitution defines Bolivia as a "Social Unitarian State"
modern Bolivia was once a part of the ancient Inca empire. After the Spaniards defeated the Incas in the 16th century, Bolivia's predominantly Indian population was reduced to slavery. The remoteness of the Andes helped protect the Bolivian Indians from the European diseases that decimated other South American Indians. But the existence of a large indigenous group forced to live under the thumb of their colonizers created a stratified society of haves and have-nots that continues to this day. Income inequality between the largely impoverished Indians who make up two-thirds of the country and the light-skinned European elite remains vast.
In Aug. 2002, Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada  became president, pledging to continue economic reforms and to create jobs. In Oct. 2003, Sánchez resigned after months of rioting and strikes over a gas-exporting project that protesters believed would benefit foreign companies more than Bolivians. His vice president 

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